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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta vocabulario ingles. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta vocabulario ingles. Mostrar todas las entradas

El vocabulario de Asimov

Términos más usados en inglés en la obra de Isaac Asimov.

  1. Robot - Robot
    The robot followed the Three Laws of Robotics without question.

  2. Science - Ciencia
    Science was the foundation of their advanced society.

  3. Galaxy - Galaxia
    The galaxy was vast, with countless worlds to explore.

  4. Foundation - Fundación
    The Foundation was established to preserve knowledge.

  5. Future - Futuro
    In the future, humanity would spread across the stars.

  6. Empire - Imperio
    The Galactic Empire was in decline, its power waning.

  7. Space - Espacio
    Space travel had become routine for the citizens of the galaxy.

  8. Atomic - Atómico
    The atomic age had brought about a new era of technological advancement.

  9. Psychohistory - Psicohistoria
    Psychohistory allowed them to predict the future of entire civilizations.

  10. Humanity - Humanidad
    Humanity had evolved beyond its origins on Earth.

  11. Earth - Tierra
    Earth was now a distant memory, a myth to the people of the stars.

  12. Law - Ley
    The Three Laws of Robotics governed every robot's actions.

  13. Solar - Solar
    The solar energy collectors powered entire cities.

  14. Knowledge - Conocimiento
    Knowledge was preserved in the vast archives of the Foundation.

  15. Civilization - Civilización
    Civilization had spread across the galaxy, uniting countless worlds.

  16. Planets - Planetas
    The planets of the galaxy were as diverse as their inhabitants.

  17. Technological - Tecnológico
    Their technological advancements were far beyond what anyone had imagined.

  18. Atomic - Atómico
    The atomic engines powered their spacecraft for interstellar travel.

  19. Time - Tiempo
    Time was of the essence if they were to save the Empire.

  20. Mind - Mente
    The human mind was capable of extraordinary things.

  21. Logic - Lógica
    Logic dictated their decisions, devoid of emotion.

  22. Artificial - Artificial
    Artificial intelligence had become a part of everyday life.

  23. Empire - Imperio
    The Galactic Empire had ruled for thousands of years.

  24. Mathematics - Matemáticas
    Mathematics was the language of the universe, essential for their calculations.

  25. Technology - Tecnología
    Their technology had advanced to the point where anything seemed possible.

  26. Inhabitants - Habitantes
    The inhabitants of the distant planets were as varied as their ecosystems.

  27. Scientific - Científico
    Scientific discovery was the driving force behind their society.

  28. Futuristic - Futurista
    The futuristic city was a marvel of engineering.

  29. Artificial Intelligence - Inteligencia Artificial
    Artificial intelligence had surpassed human capabilities in many ways.

  30. Galactic - Galáctico
    The Galactic Empire was vast, spanning millions of light-years.

  31. Programming - Programación
    The programming of the robots was flawless, ensuring their reliability.

  32. Machine - Máquina
    The machine hummed softly as it performed its task.

  33. Alien - Extraterrestre
    Alien species were rare, but not unheard of in the galaxy.

  34. Evolution - Evolución
    Human evolution had taken a new path in the distant colonies.

  35. Interstellar - Interestelar
    Interstellar travel was as common as flying in an airplane.

  36. Computers - Computadoras
    The computers processed information at unimaginable speeds.

  37. Colonies - Colonias
    The colonies on distant planets were self-sustaining and independent.

  38. Physics - Física
    Physics governed the movement of planets and stars.

  39. Logical - Lógico
    Their decisions were based on logical reasoning, not emotion.

  40. Programmed - Programado
    The robot was programmed to follow its master's orders.

  41. Empire - Imperio
    The fall of the Empire was predicted by psychohistory.

  42. Quantum - Cuántico
    Quantum mechanics played a crucial role in their technology.

  43. Starship - Nave estelar
    The starship glided silently through the void of space.

  44. History - Historia
    History was meticulously recorded and preserved for future generations.

  45. Energy - Energía
    The energy from the sun was harnessed to power the city.

  46. Android - Androide
    The androids were indistinguishable from humans in appearance.

  47. Cybernetic - Cibernético
    Cybernetic enhancements allowed humans to perform incredible feats.

  48. Intelligence - Inteligencia
    The intelligence of the robots was unmatched by any human.

  49. Probability - Probabilidad
    The probability of success was calculated with precision.

  50. Future - Futuro
    The future was uncertain, but full of possibilities.

El vocabulario de Poe

En este artículo descubriremos algunas de las palabras más usadas por Edgar Allan Poe en su obra, que destaca por la creación de atmósferas de terror con un estilo macabro y centrado en temas como la muerte, la locura o lo sobrenatural.

  1. Death - Muerte
    The inevitability of death weighed heavily on his soul.

  2. Shadow - Sombra
    A shadow crossed his face, darkening his features.

  3. Raven - Cuervo
    The raven perched above the door, its eyes gleaming.

  4. Midnight - Medianoche
    At midnight, the house was eerily silent.

  5. Heart - Corazón
    He could hear the beating of his heart, loud and insistent.

  6. Grief - Pena
    The grief was overwhelming, consuming him entirely.

  7. Madness - Locura
    Madness crept into his mind, distorting his perception.

  8. Darkness - Oscuridad
    The darkness enveloped him, bringing with it a sense of doom.

  9. Fear - Miedo
    A cold fear gripped him as he descended into the cellar.

  10. Horror - Horror
    The horror of what he saw paralyzed him.

  11. Silence - Silencio
    The silence was oppressive, broken only by the ticking of the clock.

  12. Tomb - Tumba
    He stood before the tomb, his hands trembling.

  13. Echo - Eco
    The echo of his footsteps followed him through the empty halls.

  14. Ghost - Fantasma
    He felt the ghost’s presence long before he saw it.

  15. Fate - Destino
    He resigned himself to his fate, knowing there was no escape.

  16. Whisper - Susurro
    A faint whisper reached his ears, carried by the wind.

  17. Night - Noche
    The night was cold and still, with no stars in the sky.

  18. Agony - Agonía
    The agony of his loss was more than he could bear.

  19. Blood - Sangre
    Blood dripped slowly from the wound, staining his clothes.

  20. Eyes - Ojos
    Her eyes stared blankly, devoid of life.

  21. Dream - Sueño
    His dream was filled with images of the past, haunting him.

  22. Lament - Lamento
    The lament of the wind through the trees sounded like a dirge.

  23. Dread - Temor
    A sense of dread filled him as he approached the house.

  24. Alone - Solo
    He was alone, the silence pressing down on him.

  25. Soul - Alma
    His soul was tormented, trapped between two worlds.

  26. Chill - Escalofrío
    A chill ran through him as he read the letter.

  27. Vanish - Desaparecer
    The figure seemed to vanish into the mist.

  28. Coffin - Ataúd
    The coffin was lowered into the ground, sealing his fate.

  29. Haunted - Embrujado
    The house was said to be haunted, filled with restless spirits.

  30. Wretched - Desdichado
    His wretched existence was filled with pain and sorrow.

  31. Ghastly - Espeluznante
    The ghastly figure appeared at the foot of his bed.

  32. Terror - Terror
    The terror was almost palpable, hanging in the air.

  33. Lost - Perdido
    He was lost, wandering aimlessly through the dark forest.

  34. Crypt - Cripta
    The crypt was cold and damp, filled with the stench of decay.

  35. Despair - Desesperación
    Despair settled over him like a heavy blanket.

  36. Mystery - Misterio
    The mystery of the disappearance was never solved.

  37. Echoes - Ecos
    The echoes of the past haunted him, never letting him rest.

  38. Unseen - Invisible
    Something unseen moved in the shadows.

  39. Gloom - Tristeza
    The gloom of the room matched his somber mood.

  40. Weep - Llorar
    He could hear someone weep softly in the darkness.

  41. Pit - Pozo
    He stared into the pit, the darkness beckoning him.

  42. Fright - Susto
    A sudden fright seized him as the door creaked open.

  43. Mournful - Lúgubre
    The mournful cries of the wind filled the night.

  44. Insane - Loco
    His insane laughter echoed through the empty halls.

  45. Silhouette - Silueta
    A silhouette appeared in the doorway, watching him.

  46. Faint - Débil
    He heard a faint knock at the door, almost imperceptible.

  47. Trembling - Tembloroso
    His hands were trembling as he reached for the key.

  48. Grave - Tumba
    He knelt beside the grave, whispering a final goodbye.

  49. Visions - Visiones
    Visions of the past flashed before his eyes, vivid and terrifying.

  50. Doom - Destino fatal
    He felt the doom approaching, inevitable and unstoppable.

El vocabulario de Stephen King

En el artículo de hoy vamos a aprender algunos de los términos más usados en la obra Stephen King, un escritor cuyo estilo consiste en mezclar lo cotidiano con el terror dentro de atmósferas de suspense.

  1. Fear - Miedo
    The fear in his eyes was unmistakable.

  2. Dark - Oscuro
    The dark corridor seemed to stretch on forever.

  3. Blood - Sangre
    Blood pooled on the floor, glistening under the dim light.

  4. Scream - Grito
    A scream echoed through the empty halls.

  5. Shadow - Sombra
    A shadow moved across the wall, quick and silent.

  6. Nightmare - Pesadilla
    He woke up from the nightmare, drenched in sweat.

  7. Evil - Mal
    The presence of evil was almost tangible in the room.

  8. Death - Muerte
    The scent of death lingered in the air.

  9. Ghost - Fantasma
    The ghost appeared at the foot of his bed, whispering his name.

  10. Pain - Dolor
    The pain shot through his body like a bolt of lightning.

  11. Terror - Terror
    The terror in her eyes told him everything.

  12. Kill - Matar
    He had no choice but to kill, or be killed.

  13. Horror - Horror
    The horror of what he saw made him retch.

  14. Cemetery - Cementerio
    The old cemetery was a place of many dark secrets.

  15. Monster - Monstruo
    The monster lurked in the shadows, waiting.

  16. Bloodcurdling - Escalofriante
    A bloodcurdling scream shattered the silence.

  17. Haunted - Embrujado
    The haunted house stood alone at the edge of the woods.

  18. Madness - Locura
    Madness took hold of him as the walls began to close in.

  19. Whisper - Susurro
    A whisper in the dark sent chills down his spine.

  20. Curse - Maldición
    The curse had plagued his family for generations.

  21. Creepy - Espeluznante
    There was something creepy about the old doll.

  22. Revenge - Venganza
    He swore revenge on those who had wronged him.

  23. Murder - Asesinato
    The murder had shocked the quiet town.

  24. Silent - Silencioso
    The silent woods held secrets no one dared to uncover.

  25. Bones - Huesos
    The bones were buried deep under the house.

  26. Bloodstained - Manchado de sangre
    His shirt was bloodstained from the night’s events.

  27. Hell - Infierno
    He felt as though he had stepped into hell itself.

  28. Twisted - Retorcido
    His mind was twisted by years of abuse.

  29. Grave - Tumba
    The grave was freshly dug, waiting for its occupant.

  30. Insane - Loco
    The insane ramblings of the old man were dismissed by the townsfolk.

  31. Darkness - Oscuridad
    The darkness consumed him as he entered the room.

  32. Unseen - Invisible
    An unseen force seemed to push him forward.

  33. Agony - Agonía
    The agony was unbearable as he tried to crawl away.

  34. Panic - Pánico
    Panic set in as the door slammed shut behind him.

  35. Paranoia - Paranoia
    Paranoia gripped him as he realized he wasn’t alone.

  36. Haunt - Acosar
    The memories of that night would haunt him forever.

  37. Flesh - Carne
    The creature’s flesh was decaying, falling off in chunks.

  38. Guilt - Culpa
    Guilt weighed heavily on his conscience.

  39. Isolation - Aislamiento
    The isolation was starting to take its toll on him.

  40. Cold - Frío
    The cold air bit at his skin as he walked through the woods.

  41. Specter - Espectro
    A specter of a woman appeared in the fog, crying softly.

  42. Suffocating - Sofocante
    The atmosphere in the room was suffocating.

  43. Chill - Escalofrío
    A chill ran down his spine as he approached the house.

  44. Shiver - Temblor
    He couldn’t stop the shiver that ran through his body.

  45. Grotesque - Grotesco
    The grotesque figure loomed over him, its face twisted in rage.

  46. Fright - Susto
    The sudden fright nearly made him drop his lantern.

  47. Ominous - Amenazante
    The ominous clouds gathered overhead, promising a storm.

  48. Grim - Sombrío
    His grim expression told her everything she needed to know.

  49. Wicked - Malvado
    The wicked grin on his face sent a shiver down her spine.

  50. Phantom - Fantasma
    The phantom appeared in the corner of his eye, then vanished.

El vocabulario de Lovecraft

Esta vez vamos a ver algunas de las palabras más comunes en las historias de H.P. Lovecraft, el creador del horror cósmico, cuya obra se centra lo desconocido y la fragilidad de la cordura humana.

  1. Madness - Locura
    He felt the creeping madness as he stared into the abyss.

  2. Eldritch - Extraño
    The eldritch glow of the moon cast eerie shadows.

  3. Horror - Horror
    The horror of the creature was beyond description.

  4. Ancient - Antiguo
    The ancient ruins whispered secrets long forgotten.

  5. Unnamable - Innombrable
    The unnamable terror lurked just beyond the edge of sight.

  6. Cosmic - Cósmico
    The cosmic forces were indifferent to human life.

  7. Insanity - Insania
    The encounter drove him to the brink of insanity.

  8. Dream - Sueño
    His dreams were haunted by visions of another world.

  9. Unknown - Desconocido
    The unknown lurked in the depths of the ocean.

  10. Shadow - Sombra
    A shadow moved across the room, cold and unnatural.

  11. Fate - Destino
    His fate was sealed the moment he opened the book.

  12. Nameless - Sin nombre
    The nameless entity slithered through the dark corridors.

  13. Terror - Terror
    The terror he felt was paralyzing.

  14. Dread - Temor
    An overwhelming sense of dread filled the air.

  15. Forbidden - Prohibido
    He read the forbidden text despite the warnings.

  16. Insidious - Insidioso
    The insidious influence of the cult spread through the town.

  17. Darkness - Oscuridad
    The darkness was absolute, swallowing all light.

  18. Monstrous - Monstruoso
    The monstrous figure loomed over him, blotting out the sky.

  19. Oblivion - Olvido
    He longed for oblivion, to escape the horrors he'd seen.

  20. Ghoul - Carroñero
    The ghouls feasted on the remains of the dead.

  21. Cryptic - Críptico
    The cryptic message hinted at unspeakable dangers.

  22. Phantom - Fantasma
    The phantom appeared in his dreams, whispering ancient secrets.

  23. Occult - Oculto
    The occult symbols glowed with an otherworldly light.

  24. Cyclopean - Ciclopio
    The cyclopean architecture defied all logic.

  25. Tomb - Tumba
    The tomb had been sealed for centuries, hiding its horrors.

  26. Whisper - Susurro
    He heard a whisper, faint and distant, calling his name.

  27. Insane - Loco
    His mind teetered on the edge of the insane.

  28. Flesh - Carne
    The creature’s flesh was cold and rubbery to the touch.

  29. Futile - Inútil
    His efforts to escape were futile.

  30. Unseen - Invisible
    Something unseen moved in the shadows.

  31. Wraith - Espectro
    The wraith hovered above the ground, its form barely visible.

  32. Blasphemous - Blasfemo
    The blasphemous ritual was an affront to nature.

  33. Beyond - Más allá
    There were things beyond human comprehension.

  34. Grim - Sombrío
    The grim landscape stretched as far as the eye could see.

  35. Obscene - Obsceno
    The obscene figures carved into the stone seemed to move.

  36. Macabre - Macabro
    The macabre scene was etched into his memory.

  37. Void - Vacío
    He felt himself being pulled into the void.

  38. Nightmare - Pesadilla
    The nightmare followed him even after he awoke.

  39. Sanity - Cordura
    His sanity was slipping away, lost to the horrors he'd witnessed.

  40. Cult - Secta
    The cult worshipped dark gods long forgotten.

  41. Relic - Reliquia
    The relic was said to be cursed, its origins unknown.

  42. Maddening - Enloquecedor
    The maddening sound filled his ears, driving him to despair.

  43. Cthulhu - Cthulhu
    The cultists chanted in a language long dead, calling to Cthulhu.

  44. Mysterious - Misterioso
    The mysterious figure appeared in the fog, watching silently.

  45. Ancient - Antiguo
    The ancient city was buried beneath the sands.

  46. Desolate - Desolado
    The desolate landscape stretched endlessly before him.

  47. Shrieking - Chillando
    The shrieking of the unseen creatures filled the night.

  48. Twilight - Crepúsculo
    The twilight cast long shadows across the desolate land.

  49. Eerie - Inquietante
    The eerie silence was broken only by the rustling of leaves.

  50. Echo - Eco
    The echo of his footsteps was the only sound in the cavern.

El vocabulario de Robert E. Howard

A continuación vamos a ver algunos de los términos más usados por Robert E. Howard en su obra, como podremos percibir, reflejan el tono épico y oscuro tan propio de toda su obra. 

50 palabras muy usadas por Robert E. Howard

  1. Sword - Espada
    He drew his sword from the scabbard.

  2. Blood - Sangre
    The blood of the enemy stained the ground.

  3. Battle - Batalla
    The battle raged fiercely throughout the night.

  4. Steel - Acero
    His steel blade flashed in the moonlight.

  5. Warrior - Guerrero
    The warrior faced his foes without fear.

  6. Foe - Enemigo
    He recognized his old foe across the battlefield.

  7. Shadow - Sombra
    A shadow moved silently in the dark alley.

  8. King - Rey
    The king stood atop the hill, surveying the battlefield.

  9. Swordplay - Esgrima
    Their swordplay was a deadly dance of steel.

  10. Throne - Trono
    He claimed the throne after defeating his rivals.

  11. Darkness - Oscuridad
    The darkness of the forest seemed impenetrable.

  12. Glory - Gloria
    They fought for glory and honor.

  13. Death - Muerte
    Death awaited those who dared to enter the tomb.

  14. Enemy - Enemigo
    He confronted his enemy with a fierce glare.

  15. Blade - Hoja
    The blade was sharp enough to cut through armor.

  16. War - Guerra
    The war had ravaged the land for years.

  17. Fury - Furia
    His fury knew no bounds as he charged into battle.

  18. Honor - Honor
    He fought with honor and never betrayed his code.

  19. Victory - Victoria
    Victory was within their grasp as they advanced.

  20. Destiny - Destino
    He believed it was his destiny to rule.

  21. Courage - Valor
    Her courage inspired the troops to keep fighting.

  22. Ancient - Antiguo
    The ancient ruins held many secrets.

  23. Magic - Magia
    The wizard’s magic was both feared and revered.

  24. Enemy - Enemigo
    The enemy forces were closing in on them.

  25. Beast - Bestia
    The beast lunged at them with a terrifying roar.

  26. Warrior - Guerrero
    The warrior stood tall, ready to defend his land.

  27. Shield - Escudo
    He raised his shield to deflect the blow.

  28. Fear - Miedo
    Despite his fear, he charged into battle.

  29. Sword - Espada
    The sword gleamed with a deadly edge.

  30. Castle - Castillo
    The castle walls were high and formidable.

  31. Ancient - Antiguo
    The ancient artifact was said to hold great power.

  32. Quest - Misión
    Their quest took them across dangerous lands.

  33. Enemy - Enemigo
    The enemy’s attack was sudden and brutal.

  34. Thunder - Trueno
    The sound of thunder echoed across the battlefield.

  35. Sword - Espada
    He swung his sword with practiced precision.

  36. Kingdom - Reino
    The kingdom was on the brink of collapse.

  37. Doom - Destino fatal
    They felt the doom of their enemies approaching.

  38. Fire - Fuego
    The fire consumed everything in its path.

  39. Betrayal - Traición
    Betrayal had led to their downfall.

  40. Sorcery - Hechicería
    The sorcery of the ancient mage was powerful.

  41. Sword - Espada
    His sword was his only companion in the dark.

  42. Enemy - Enemigo
    The enemy's numbers were overwhelming.

  43. Battlefield - Campo de batalla
    The battlefield was littered with the dead.

  44. Warrior - Guerrero
    Every warrior had a tale of bravery.

  45. Throne - Trono
    He fought for the right to claim the throne.

  46. Steel - Acero
    The steel of his armor shone in the sunlight.

  47. Sword - Espada
    The sword was forged in dragon's fire.

  48. Shadow - Sombra
    A shadow fell across the land as the sun set.

  49. Crown - Corona
    The crown was a symbol of his power.

  50. Victory - Victoria
    Victory was theirs, but at a great cost.