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El vocabulario de Stephen King

En el artículo de hoy vamos a aprender algunos de los términos más usados en la obra Stephen King, un escritor cuyo estilo consiste en mezclar lo cotidiano con el terror dentro de atmósferas de suspense.

  1. Fear - Miedo
    The fear in his eyes was unmistakable.

  2. Dark - Oscuro
    The dark corridor seemed to stretch on forever.

  3. Blood - Sangre
    Blood pooled on the floor, glistening under the dim light.

  4. Scream - Grito
    A scream echoed through the empty halls.

  5. Shadow - Sombra
    A shadow moved across the wall, quick and silent.

  6. Nightmare - Pesadilla
    He woke up from the nightmare, drenched in sweat.

  7. Evil - Mal
    The presence of evil was almost tangible in the room.

  8. Death - Muerte
    The scent of death lingered in the air.

  9. Ghost - Fantasma
    The ghost appeared at the foot of his bed, whispering his name.

  10. Pain - Dolor
    The pain shot through his body like a bolt of lightning.

  11. Terror - Terror
    The terror in her eyes told him everything.

  12. Kill - Matar
    He had no choice but to kill, or be killed.

  13. Horror - Horror
    The horror of what he saw made him retch.

  14. Cemetery - Cementerio
    The old cemetery was a place of many dark secrets.

  15. Monster - Monstruo
    The monster lurked in the shadows, waiting.

  16. Bloodcurdling - Escalofriante
    A bloodcurdling scream shattered the silence.

  17. Haunted - Embrujado
    The haunted house stood alone at the edge of the woods.

  18. Madness - Locura
    Madness took hold of him as the walls began to close in.

  19. Whisper - Susurro
    A whisper in the dark sent chills down his spine.

  20. Curse - Maldición
    The curse had plagued his family for generations.

  21. Creepy - Espeluznante
    There was something creepy about the old doll.

  22. Revenge - Venganza
    He swore revenge on those who had wronged him.

  23. Murder - Asesinato
    The murder had shocked the quiet town.

  24. Silent - Silencioso
    The silent woods held secrets no one dared to uncover.

  25. Bones - Huesos
    The bones were buried deep under the house.

  26. Bloodstained - Manchado de sangre
    His shirt was bloodstained from the night’s events.

  27. Hell - Infierno
    He felt as though he had stepped into hell itself.

  28. Twisted - Retorcido
    His mind was twisted by years of abuse.

  29. Grave - Tumba
    The grave was freshly dug, waiting for its occupant.

  30. Insane - Loco
    The insane ramblings of the old man were dismissed by the townsfolk.

  31. Darkness - Oscuridad
    The darkness consumed him as he entered the room.

  32. Unseen - Invisible
    An unseen force seemed to push him forward.

  33. Agony - Agonía
    The agony was unbearable as he tried to crawl away.

  34. Panic - Pánico
    Panic set in as the door slammed shut behind him.

  35. Paranoia - Paranoia
    Paranoia gripped him as he realized he wasn’t alone.

  36. Haunt - Acosar
    The memories of that night would haunt him forever.

  37. Flesh - Carne
    The creature’s flesh was decaying, falling off in chunks.

  38. Guilt - Culpa
    Guilt weighed heavily on his conscience.

  39. Isolation - Aislamiento
    The isolation was starting to take its toll on him.

  40. Cold - Frío
    The cold air bit at his skin as he walked through the woods.

  41. Specter - Espectro
    A specter of a woman appeared in the fog, crying softly.

  42. Suffocating - Sofocante
    The atmosphere in the room was suffocating.

  43. Chill - Escalofrío
    A chill ran down his spine as he approached the house.

  44. Shiver - Temblor
    He couldn’t stop the shiver that ran through his body.

  45. Grotesque - Grotesco
    The grotesque figure loomed over him, its face twisted in rage.

  46. Fright - Susto
    The sudden fright nearly made him drop his lantern.

  47. Ominous - Amenazante
    The ominous clouds gathered overhead, promising a storm.

  48. Grim - Sombrío
    His grim expression told her everything she needed to know.

  49. Wicked - Malvado
    The wicked grin on his face sent a shiver down her spine.

  50. Phantom - Fantasma
    The phantom appeared in the corner of his eye, then vanished.

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