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El vocabulario de Lovecraft

Esta vez vamos a ver algunas de las palabras más comunes en las historias de H.P. Lovecraft, el creador del horror cósmico, cuya obra se centra lo desconocido y la fragilidad de la cordura humana.

  1. Madness - Locura
    He felt the creeping madness as he stared into the abyss.

  2. Eldritch - Extraño
    The eldritch glow of the moon cast eerie shadows.

  3. Horror - Horror
    The horror of the creature was beyond description.

  4. Ancient - Antiguo
    The ancient ruins whispered secrets long forgotten.

  5. Unnamable - Innombrable
    The unnamable terror lurked just beyond the edge of sight.

  6. Cosmic - Cósmico
    The cosmic forces were indifferent to human life.

  7. Insanity - Insania
    The encounter drove him to the brink of insanity.

  8. Dream - Sueño
    His dreams were haunted by visions of another world.

  9. Unknown - Desconocido
    The unknown lurked in the depths of the ocean.

  10. Shadow - Sombra
    A shadow moved across the room, cold and unnatural.

  11. Fate - Destino
    His fate was sealed the moment he opened the book.

  12. Nameless - Sin nombre
    The nameless entity slithered through the dark corridors.

  13. Terror - Terror
    The terror he felt was paralyzing.

  14. Dread - Temor
    An overwhelming sense of dread filled the air.

  15. Forbidden - Prohibido
    He read the forbidden text despite the warnings.

  16. Insidious - Insidioso
    The insidious influence of the cult spread through the town.

  17. Darkness - Oscuridad
    The darkness was absolute, swallowing all light.

  18. Monstrous - Monstruoso
    The monstrous figure loomed over him, blotting out the sky.

  19. Oblivion - Olvido
    He longed for oblivion, to escape the horrors he'd seen.

  20. Ghoul - Carroñero
    The ghouls feasted on the remains of the dead.

  21. Cryptic - Críptico
    The cryptic message hinted at unspeakable dangers.

  22. Phantom - Fantasma
    The phantom appeared in his dreams, whispering ancient secrets.

  23. Occult - Oculto
    The occult symbols glowed with an otherworldly light.

  24. Cyclopean - Ciclopio
    The cyclopean architecture defied all logic.

  25. Tomb - Tumba
    The tomb had been sealed for centuries, hiding its horrors.

  26. Whisper - Susurro
    He heard a whisper, faint and distant, calling his name.

  27. Insane - Loco
    His mind teetered on the edge of the insane.

  28. Flesh - Carne
    The creature’s flesh was cold and rubbery to the touch.

  29. Futile - Inútil
    His efforts to escape were futile.

  30. Unseen - Invisible
    Something unseen moved in the shadows.

  31. Wraith - Espectro
    The wraith hovered above the ground, its form barely visible.

  32. Blasphemous - Blasfemo
    The blasphemous ritual was an affront to nature.

  33. Beyond - Más allá
    There were things beyond human comprehension.

  34. Grim - Sombrío
    The grim landscape stretched as far as the eye could see.

  35. Obscene - Obsceno
    The obscene figures carved into the stone seemed to move.

  36. Macabre - Macabro
    The macabre scene was etched into his memory.

  37. Void - Vacío
    He felt himself being pulled into the void.

  38. Nightmare - Pesadilla
    The nightmare followed him even after he awoke.

  39. Sanity - Cordura
    His sanity was slipping away, lost to the horrors he'd witnessed.

  40. Cult - Secta
    The cult worshipped dark gods long forgotten.

  41. Relic - Reliquia
    The relic was said to be cursed, its origins unknown.

  42. Maddening - Enloquecedor
    The maddening sound filled his ears, driving him to despair.

  43. Cthulhu - Cthulhu
    The cultists chanted in a language long dead, calling to Cthulhu.

  44. Mysterious - Misterioso
    The mysterious figure appeared in the fog, watching silently.

  45. Ancient - Antiguo
    The ancient city was buried beneath the sands.

  46. Desolate - Desolado
    The desolate landscape stretched endlessly before him.

  47. Shrieking - Chillando
    The shrieking of the unseen creatures filled the night.

  48. Twilight - Crepúsculo
    The twilight cast long shadows across the desolate land.

  49. Eerie - Inquietante
    The eerie silence was broken only by the rustling of leaves.

  50. Echo - Eco
    The echo of his footsteps was the only sound in the cavern.

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