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El vocabulario de Robert E. Howard

A continuación vamos a ver algunos de los términos más usados por Robert E. Howard en su obra, como podremos percibir, reflejan el tono épico y oscuro tan propio de toda su obra. 

50 palabras muy usadas por Robert E. Howard

  1. Sword - Espada
    He drew his sword from the scabbard.

  2. Blood - Sangre
    The blood of the enemy stained the ground.

  3. Battle - Batalla
    The battle raged fiercely throughout the night.

  4. Steel - Acero
    His steel blade flashed in the moonlight.

  5. Warrior - Guerrero
    The warrior faced his foes without fear.

  6. Foe - Enemigo
    He recognized his old foe across the battlefield.

  7. Shadow - Sombra
    A shadow moved silently in the dark alley.

  8. King - Rey
    The king stood atop the hill, surveying the battlefield.

  9. Swordplay - Esgrima
    Their swordplay was a deadly dance of steel.

  10. Throne - Trono
    He claimed the throne after defeating his rivals.

  11. Darkness - Oscuridad
    The darkness of the forest seemed impenetrable.

  12. Glory - Gloria
    They fought for glory and honor.

  13. Death - Muerte
    Death awaited those who dared to enter the tomb.

  14. Enemy - Enemigo
    He confronted his enemy with a fierce glare.

  15. Blade - Hoja
    The blade was sharp enough to cut through armor.

  16. War - Guerra
    The war had ravaged the land for years.

  17. Fury - Furia
    His fury knew no bounds as he charged into battle.

  18. Honor - Honor
    He fought with honor and never betrayed his code.

  19. Victory - Victoria
    Victory was within their grasp as they advanced.

  20. Destiny - Destino
    He believed it was his destiny to rule.

  21. Courage - Valor
    Her courage inspired the troops to keep fighting.

  22. Ancient - Antiguo
    The ancient ruins held many secrets.

  23. Magic - Magia
    The wizard’s magic was both feared and revered.

  24. Enemy - Enemigo
    The enemy forces were closing in on them.

  25. Beast - Bestia
    The beast lunged at them with a terrifying roar.

  26. Warrior - Guerrero
    The warrior stood tall, ready to defend his land.

  27. Shield - Escudo
    He raised his shield to deflect the blow.

  28. Fear - Miedo
    Despite his fear, he charged into battle.

  29. Sword - Espada
    The sword gleamed with a deadly edge.

  30. Castle - Castillo
    The castle walls were high and formidable.

  31. Ancient - Antiguo
    The ancient artifact was said to hold great power.

  32. Quest - Misión
    Their quest took them across dangerous lands.

  33. Enemy - Enemigo
    The enemy’s attack was sudden and brutal.

  34. Thunder - Trueno
    The sound of thunder echoed across the battlefield.

  35. Sword - Espada
    He swung his sword with practiced precision.

  36. Kingdom - Reino
    The kingdom was on the brink of collapse.

  37. Doom - Destino fatal
    They felt the doom of their enemies approaching.

  38. Fire - Fuego
    The fire consumed everything in its path.

  39. Betrayal - Traición
    Betrayal had led to their downfall.

  40. Sorcery - Hechicería
    The sorcery of the ancient mage was powerful.

  41. Sword - Espada
    His sword was his only companion in the dark.

  42. Enemy - Enemigo
    The enemy's numbers were overwhelming.

  43. Battlefield - Campo de batalla
    The battlefield was littered with the dead.

  44. Warrior - Guerrero
    Every warrior had a tale of bravery.

  45. Throne - Trono
    He fought for the right to claim the throne.

  46. Steel - Acero
    The steel of his armor shone in the sunlight.

  47. Sword - Espada
    The sword was forged in dragon's fire.

  48. Shadow - Sombra
    A shadow fell across the land as the sun set.

  49. Crown - Corona
    The crown was a symbol of his power.

  50. Victory - Victoria
    Victory was theirs, but at a great cost.

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