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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta poe. Mostrar todas las entradas

El vocabulario de Poe

En este artículo descubriremos algunas de las palabras más usadas por Edgar Allan Poe en su obra, que destaca por la creación de atmósferas de terror con un estilo macabro y centrado en temas como la muerte, la locura o lo sobrenatural.

  1. Death - Muerte
    The inevitability of death weighed heavily on his soul.

  2. Shadow - Sombra
    A shadow crossed his face, darkening his features.

  3. Raven - Cuervo
    The raven perched above the door, its eyes gleaming.

  4. Midnight - Medianoche
    At midnight, the house was eerily silent.

  5. Heart - Corazón
    He could hear the beating of his heart, loud and insistent.

  6. Grief - Pena
    The grief was overwhelming, consuming him entirely.

  7. Madness - Locura
    Madness crept into his mind, distorting his perception.

  8. Darkness - Oscuridad
    The darkness enveloped him, bringing with it a sense of doom.

  9. Fear - Miedo
    A cold fear gripped him as he descended into the cellar.

  10. Horror - Horror
    The horror of what he saw paralyzed him.

  11. Silence - Silencio
    The silence was oppressive, broken only by the ticking of the clock.

  12. Tomb - Tumba
    He stood before the tomb, his hands trembling.

  13. Echo - Eco
    The echo of his footsteps followed him through the empty halls.

  14. Ghost - Fantasma
    He felt the ghost’s presence long before he saw it.

  15. Fate - Destino
    He resigned himself to his fate, knowing there was no escape.

  16. Whisper - Susurro
    A faint whisper reached his ears, carried by the wind.

  17. Night - Noche
    The night was cold and still, with no stars in the sky.

  18. Agony - Agonía
    The agony of his loss was more than he could bear.

  19. Blood - Sangre
    Blood dripped slowly from the wound, staining his clothes.

  20. Eyes - Ojos
    Her eyes stared blankly, devoid of life.

  21. Dream - Sueño
    His dream was filled with images of the past, haunting him.

  22. Lament - Lamento
    The lament of the wind through the trees sounded like a dirge.

  23. Dread - Temor
    A sense of dread filled him as he approached the house.

  24. Alone - Solo
    He was alone, the silence pressing down on him.

  25. Soul - Alma
    His soul was tormented, trapped between two worlds.

  26. Chill - Escalofrío
    A chill ran through him as he read the letter.

  27. Vanish - Desaparecer
    The figure seemed to vanish into the mist.

  28. Coffin - Ataúd
    The coffin was lowered into the ground, sealing his fate.

  29. Haunted - Embrujado
    The house was said to be haunted, filled with restless spirits.

  30. Wretched - Desdichado
    His wretched existence was filled with pain and sorrow.

  31. Ghastly - Espeluznante
    The ghastly figure appeared at the foot of his bed.

  32. Terror - Terror
    The terror was almost palpable, hanging in the air.

  33. Lost - Perdido
    He was lost, wandering aimlessly through the dark forest.

  34. Crypt - Cripta
    The crypt was cold and damp, filled with the stench of decay.

  35. Despair - Desesperación
    Despair settled over him like a heavy blanket.

  36. Mystery - Misterio
    The mystery of the disappearance was never solved.

  37. Echoes - Ecos
    The echoes of the past haunted him, never letting him rest.

  38. Unseen - Invisible
    Something unseen moved in the shadows.

  39. Gloom - Tristeza
    The gloom of the room matched his somber mood.

  40. Weep - Llorar
    He could hear someone weep softly in the darkness.

  41. Pit - Pozo
    He stared into the pit, the darkness beckoning him.

  42. Fright - Susto
    A sudden fright seized him as the door creaked open.

  43. Mournful - Lúgubre
    The mournful cries of the wind filled the night.

  44. Insane - Loco
    His insane laughter echoed through the empty halls.

  45. Silhouette - Silueta
    A silhouette appeared in the doorway, watching him.

  46. Faint - Débil
    He heard a faint knock at the door, almost imperceptible.

  47. Trembling - Tembloroso
    His hands were trembling as he reached for the key.

  48. Grave - Tumba
    He knelt beside the grave, whispering a final goodbye.

  49. Visions - Visiones
    Visions of the past flashed before his eyes, vivid and terrifying.

  50. Doom - Destino fatal
    He felt the doom approaching, inevitable and unstoppable.