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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta asimov. Mostrar todas las entradas

El vocabulario de Asimov

Términos más usados en inglés en la obra de Isaac Asimov.

  1. Robot - Robot
    The robot followed the Three Laws of Robotics without question.

  2. Science - Ciencia
    Science was the foundation of their advanced society.

  3. Galaxy - Galaxia
    The galaxy was vast, with countless worlds to explore.

  4. Foundation - Fundación
    The Foundation was established to preserve knowledge.

  5. Future - Futuro
    In the future, humanity would spread across the stars.

  6. Empire - Imperio
    The Galactic Empire was in decline, its power waning.

  7. Space - Espacio
    Space travel had become routine for the citizens of the galaxy.

  8. Atomic - Atómico
    The atomic age had brought about a new era of technological advancement.

  9. Psychohistory - Psicohistoria
    Psychohistory allowed them to predict the future of entire civilizations.

  10. Humanity - Humanidad
    Humanity had evolved beyond its origins on Earth.

  11. Earth - Tierra
    Earth was now a distant memory, a myth to the people of the stars.

  12. Law - Ley
    The Three Laws of Robotics governed every robot's actions.

  13. Solar - Solar
    The solar energy collectors powered entire cities.

  14. Knowledge - Conocimiento
    Knowledge was preserved in the vast archives of the Foundation.

  15. Civilization - Civilización
    Civilization had spread across the galaxy, uniting countless worlds.

  16. Planets - Planetas
    The planets of the galaxy were as diverse as their inhabitants.

  17. Technological - Tecnológico
    Their technological advancements were far beyond what anyone had imagined.

  18. Atomic - Atómico
    The atomic engines powered their spacecraft for interstellar travel.

  19. Time - Tiempo
    Time was of the essence if they were to save the Empire.

  20. Mind - Mente
    The human mind was capable of extraordinary things.

  21. Logic - Lógica
    Logic dictated their decisions, devoid of emotion.

  22. Artificial - Artificial
    Artificial intelligence had become a part of everyday life.

  23. Empire - Imperio
    The Galactic Empire had ruled for thousands of years.

  24. Mathematics - Matemáticas
    Mathematics was the language of the universe, essential for their calculations.

  25. Technology - Tecnología
    Their technology had advanced to the point where anything seemed possible.

  26. Inhabitants - Habitantes
    The inhabitants of the distant planets were as varied as their ecosystems.

  27. Scientific - Científico
    Scientific discovery was the driving force behind their society.

  28. Futuristic - Futurista
    The futuristic city was a marvel of engineering.

  29. Artificial Intelligence - Inteligencia Artificial
    Artificial intelligence had surpassed human capabilities in many ways.

  30. Galactic - Galáctico
    The Galactic Empire was vast, spanning millions of light-years.

  31. Programming - Programación
    The programming of the robots was flawless, ensuring their reliability.

  32. Machine - Máquina
    The machine hummed softly as it performed its task.

  33. Alien - Extraterrestre
    Alien species were rare, but not unheard of in the galaxy.

  34. Evolution - Evolución
    Human evolution had taken a new path in the distant colonies.

  35. Interstellar - Interestelar
    Interstellar travel was as common as flying in an airplane.

  36. Computers - Computadoras
    The computers processed information at unimaginable speeds.

  37. Colonies - Colonias
    The colonies on distant planets were self-sustaining and independent.

  38. Physics - Física
    Physics governed the movement of planets and stars.

  39. Logical - Lógico
    Their decisions were based on logical reasoning, not emotion.

  40. Programmed - Programado
    The robot was programmed to follow its master's orders.

  41. Empire - Imperio
    The fall of the Empire was predicted by psychohistory.

  42. Quantum - Cuántico
    Quantum mechanics played a crucial role in their technology.

  43. Starship - Nave estelar
    The starship glided silently through the void of space.

  44. History - Historia
    History was meticulously recorded and preserved for future generations.

  45. Energy - Energía
    The energy from the sun was harnessed to power the city.

  46. Android - Androide
    The androids were indistinguishable from humans in appearance.

  47. Cybernetic - Cibernético
    Cybernetic enhancements allowed humans to perform incredible feats.

  48. Intelligence - Inteligencia
    The intelligence of the robots was unmatched by any human.

  49. Probability - Probabilidad
    The probability of success was calculated with precision.

  50. Future - Futuro
    The future was uncertain, but full of possibilities.