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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta palabras en inglés sobre ciencia. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta palabras en inglés sobre ciencia. Mostrar todas las entradas

50 palabras en inglés sobre ciencia

Vocabulario en inglés sobre ciencia, sostenibilidad, ecología...

  1. Mars - Marte
    The colonization of Mars was humanity's greatest achievement.

  2. Climate - Clima
    The changing climate threatened the survival of countless species.

  3. Terraforming - Terraformación
    Terraforming Mars was a complex and delicate process.

  4. Colony - Colonia
    The colony on Mars faced many challenges, from food shortages to isolation.

  5. Sustainability - Sostenibilidad
    Sustainability was at the heart of their plans for the future.

  6. Politics - Política
    The politics of Earth continued to influence decisions made on Mars.

  7. Ecology - Ecología
    Understanding the Martian ecology was crucial for the success of the colony.

  8. Revolution - Revolución
    A revolution broke out, as colonists demanded independence from Earth.

  9. Future - Futuro
    The future of humanity was now tied to the success of the Martian colonies.

  10. Science - Ciencia
    Science was their guiding light in the uncharted territories of space.

  11. Earth - Tierra
    Earth was becoming increasingly uninhabitable due to environmental degradation.

  12. Technology - Tecnología
    Advances in technology made space travel more accessible than ever before.

  13. Economy - Economía
    The economy of Mars was based on a mix of mining and agriculture.

  14. Water - Agua
    Finding and managing water resources was essential for survival on Mars.

  15. Democracy - Democracia
    They struggled to establish a new form of democracy on Mars.

  16. Society - Sociedad
    Society on Mars was shaped by the harsh realities of living on a new planet.

  17. Environment - Medio ambiente
    Protecting the environment was a key concern for the Martian settlers.

  18. Innovation - Innovación
    Innovation was necessary to overcome the challenges of life on Mars.

  19. Exploration - Exploración
    Exploration of Mars continued as they mapped out new territories.

  20. Survival - Supervivencia
    Survival on Mars required constant vigilance and adaptability.

  21. Greenhouse - Invernadero
    Greenhouses were built to grow food in the harsh Martian environment.

  22. Resources - Recursos
    The scarcity of resources on Mars led to strict rationing.

  23. Humanity - Humanidad
    The fate of humanity was intertwined with the success of their space endeavors.

  24. Orbit - Órbita
    The spacecraft settled into orbit around the red planet.

  25. Philosophy - Filosofía
    The philosophy of living in harmony with nature guided their actions.

  26. Utopia - Utopía
    They dreamed of creating a utopia on Mars, free from the mistakes of Earth.

  27. Gravity - Gravedad
    The low gravity on Mars affected the health of the colonists.

  28. Innovation - Innovación
    Innovation was key to solving the problems they faced on Mars.

  29. Ethics - Ética
    Ethics played a crucial role in their decision-making processes.

  30. Crisis - Crisis
    A crisis erupted when a major water source was contaminated.

  31. Migration - Migración
    The migration to Mars marked the beginning of a new era for humanity.

  32. Sociology - Sociología
    Sociology was critical in understanding how communities would form on Mars.

  33. Energy - Energía
    Renewable energy sources were essential for sustaining life on Mars.

  34. Agriculture - Agricultura
    Agriculture on Mars relied heavily on hydroponics.

  35. Architecture - Arquitectura
    Martian architecture was designed to withstand extreme conditions.

  36. Politics - Política
    Politics on Mars were influenced by both Earth and the unique challenges of space.

  37. Equality - Igualdad
    They strove for equality in their new society on Mars.

  38. Revolution - Revolución
    The revolution brought about significant changes in Martian governance.

  39. Space - Espacio
    Space travel had become a regular part of life for the colonists.

  40. Innovation - Innovación
    They innovated constantly to adapt to the Martian environment.

  41. Oxygen - Oxígeno
    Producing oxygen was one of the colony's top priorities.

  42. Population - Población
    The population of Mars grew steadily as more settlers arrived.

  43. Dome - Cúpula
    The colony was protected by a massive dome that regulated the atmosphere.

  44. Renewable - Renovable
    Renewable energy sources were vital for the colony's sustainability.

  45. Conflict - Conflicto
    Conflict arose over how to distribute resources fairly.

  46. Future - Futuro
    They looked to the future with hope, despite the many challenges.

  47. Innovation - Innovación
    Innovation was the driving force behind their survival on Mars.

  48. Hydroponics - Hidroponía
    Hydroponics allowed them to grow food without soil in the Martian environment.

  49. Communication - Comunicación
    Maintaining communication with Earth was essential for the colony's success.

  50. Expansion - Expansión
    The expansion of the colony was carefully planned to ensure sustainability.