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50 palabras en inglés sobre ciencia

Vocabulario en inglés sobre ciencia, sostenibilidad, ecología...

  1. Mars - Marte
    The colonization of Mars was humanity's greatest achievement.

  2. Climate - Clima
    The changing climate threatened the survival of countless species.

  3. Terraforming - Terraformación
    Terraforming Mars was a complex and delicate process.

  4. Colony - Colonia
    The colony on Mars faced many challenges, from food shortages to isolation.

  5. Sustainability - Sostenibilidad
    Sustainability was at the heart of their plans for the future.

  6. Politics - Política
    The politics of Earth continued to influence decisions made on Mars.

  7. Ecology - Ecología
    Understanding the Martian ecology was crucial for the success of the colony.

  8. Revolution - Revolución
    A revolution broke out, as colonists demanded independence from Earth.

  9. Future - Futuro
    The future of humanity was now tied to the success of the Martian colonies.

  10. Science - Ciencia
    Science was their guiding light in the uncharted territories of space.

  11. Earth - Tierra
    Earth was becoming increasingly uninhabitable due to environmental degradation.

  12. Technology - Tecnología
    Advances in technology made space travel more accessible than ever before.

  13. Economy - Economía
    The economy of Mars was based on a mix of mining and agriculture.

  14. Water - Agua
    Finding and managing water resources was essential for survival on Mars.

  15. Democracy - Democracia
    They struggled to establish a new form of democracy on Mars.

  16. Society - Sociedad
    Society on Mars was shaped by the harsh realities of living on a new planet.

  17. Environment - Medio ambiente
    Protecting the environment was a key concern for the Martian settlers.

  18. Innovation - Innovación
    Innovation was necessary to overcome the challenges of life on Mars.

  19. Exploration - Exploración
    Exploration of Mars continued as they mapped out new territories.

  20. Survival - Supervivencia
    Survival on Mars required constant vigilance and adaptability.

  21. Greenhouse - Invernadero
    Greenhouses were built to grow food in the harsh Martian environment.

  22. Resources - Recursos
    The scarcity of resources on Mars led to strict rationing.

  23. Humanity - Humanidad
    The fate of humanity was intertwined with the success of their space endeavors.

  24. Orbit - Órbita
    The spacecraft settled into orbit around the red planet.

  25. Philosophy - Filosofía
    The philosophy of living in harmony with nature guided their actions.

  26. Utopia - Utopía
    They dreamed of creating a utopia on Mars, free from the mistakes of Earth.

  27. Gravity - Gravedad
    The low gravity on Mars affected the health of the colonists.

  28. Innovation - Innovación
    Innovation was key to solving the problems they faced on Mars.

  29. Ethics - Ética
    Ethics played a crucial role in their decision-making processes.

  30. Crisis - Crisis
    A crisis erupted when a major water source was contaminated.

  31. Migration - Migración
    The migration to Mars marked the beginning of a new era for humanity.

  32. Sociology - Sociología
    Sociology was critical in understanding how communities would form on Mars.

  33. Energy - Energía
    Renewable energy sources were essential for sustaining life on Mars.

  34. Agriculture - Agricultura
    Agriculture on Mars relied heavily on hydroponics.

  35. Architecture - Arquitectura
    Martian architecture was designed to withstand extreme conditions.

  36. Politics - Política
    Politics on Mars were influenced by both Earth and the unique challenges of space.

  37. Equality - Igualdad
    They strove for equality in their new society on Mars.

  38. Revolution - Revolución
    The revolution brought about significant changes in Martian governance.

  39. Space - Espacio
    Space travel had become a regular part of life for the colonists.

  40. Innovation - Innovación
    They innovated constantly to adapt to the Martian environment.

  41. Oxygen - Oxígeno
    Producing oxygen was one of the colony's top priorities.

  42. Population - Población
    The population of Mars grew steadily as more settlers arrived.

  43. Dome - Cúpula
    The colony was protected by a massive dome that regulated the atmosphere.

  44. Renewable - Renovable
    Renewable energy sources were vital for the colony's sustainability.

  45. Conflict - Conflicto
    Conflict arose over how to distribute resources fairly.

  46. Future - Futuro
    They looked to the future with hope, despite the many challenges.

  47. Innovation - Innovación
    Innovation was the driving force behind their survival on Mars.

  48. Hydroponics - Hidroponía
    Hydroponics allowed them to grow food without soil in the Martian environment.

  49. Communication - Comunicación
    Maintaining communication with Earth was essential for the colony's success.

  50. Expansion - Expansión
    The expansion of the colony was carefully planned to ensure sustainability.

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